Miguel Honrado
Chairman of the EGEAC Board

In 2011, having submitted to UNESCO our Application for including Fado in their Representative of Non-Material Cultural Heritage of Mankind, we shall launch a vast number of Fado-related actions, events and projects. We now enter a decisively important phase in a half-decade old process, aimed at recognising the heritage value of this art form, so critically significant to our cultural identity. In the coming year our purpose is to prepare for a scale-related transition of the utmost importance, i.e. moving from the fulfilmnent of an objective to the building of a purpose.

After many years of deep accurate research, involving a vast spectum of the Fado Community (e.g. artists, researchers, entrepreneurs and the academy) on the 15 July 2010 we formally filed our Application to UNESCO – an decisively important objective which was undoubtedly fulfilled. But Fado cannot fully become part of of the non-material heritage of mankind if it does not become the Heritage of each and everyone of us first.

Along our pathway we were most definitely joined by many individuals, organisations, organs of sovereignty, groups of citizens, who energetically supported our cause. We formally Express our gratitude to them. But now it is imperative to launch a vast movement of appropriation and sharing.

Only by fully committing to a cause that so non-materially defines us can we build the legacy that we want to generously share with the rest of the World.

This is the material purposes are made of.

Miguel Honrado

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